Restrooms are located off the upper and lower level lobbies.
The elevator is located in the central lobby area.
Scheduling and Use
The Florence Government Center Community Room Use Agreement must be completed and approved
prior to booking the room.
Reservations will be accepted on a first-come basis with priority as listed below. Reservations can be
canceled by the City due to a conflict in scheduling.
1. City-related business
2. Affiliated government-related organizations
3. Non-profit organizations with Florence affiliation
4. Limited Florence Government Center tenant-related meetings
If the Emergency Operations Center is activated, this activity always take precedence over all other
scheduled activities.
Meeting rooms are available Monday through Friday. The meeting rooms are not available for use on
Saturdays, Sundays, or other days city offices may be closed.
Meetings/events may not start prior to 8:30 a.m. and must conclude by 8:30 p.m., unless approved by
the Mayor and/or City Coordinator. Attendees must complete the required clean-up and vacate the
facility no later than 8:30 p.m.
Regularly recurring meeting dates may be granted with the approval of the Mayor and/or City
Prohibited uses of the meeting rooms include, but are not limited to: dances, parties, weddings, political
rallies, and religious services.
The Mayor and/or City Coordinator reserve the right to deny use of the meeting room(s) to any
Rules and Responsibilities for the Community Room Use
TOBACCO USE IS PROHIBITED in the Florence Government Center. This includes ALL areas of the
Applicants must be over 21 years of age to reserve a meeting room. The applicant must complete and
sign the Florence Government Center Meeting Room Use Agreement and must be present during the
entire meeting.
Health Department regulations require shirts and shoes to be worn at all times.
Use of alcohol is prohibited in the Florence Government Center.
The kitchenette in the lower level lobby is available for light use such as refrigeration and serving. The
kitchen facility is not available for full meal preparation. Coffee, soft drinks, condiments, and all paper
products are the responsibility of the user and will not be provided by the City of Florence. Supplies
stored in the kitchen cabinets are not available for public use. All items should be discarded or taken
with the user at the conclusion of their event.
Cleaning Responsibilities
The Community Rooms are to be left in the same condition in which they were found. All furnishings
must be returned to their original positions.
All garbage is to be gathered and placed into the garbage cans provided.
The refrigerator, countertops, and sink should be wiped down, if used.
Equipment Use
The City’s audio/visual equipment is not available for use, and the City’s technology services provider is
not available for assistance.
Parking Accommodations
During the City’s regular business hours, users of the Community Room facilities should use the parking
lot between the Veterans Memorial and the Aquatic Center. The North and South parking lots
immediately adjacent to the Florence Government Center are for use of the public conducting business
at the Florence Government Center.
Report any foreign odors or smoke immediately to any City Staff member or pulling the fire alarms
located in the hallways.
If an audible emergency alarm is sounded, accompanied by flashing red alarm lights, WALK – DO NOT
RUN, to one of the 2 stairwells or to the exit nearest you.
DO NOT USE THE ELEVATOR. If on the lower level, please exit out the door there or move quickly and
carefully up the stairs and evacuate the building through the exterior door at the top of the stairs.
Once outside, move quickly to the exterior safety zone – the grassy area on the far side of the Boone
County Veterans Memorial.
DO NOT LEAVE THE PREMISES unless asked to do so.
Stay clear of any emergency equipment.
DO NOT RE-ENTER THE BUILDING until notified it is safe to do so.
WALK – DO NOT RUN – to one of the 2 stairwells located at the ends of the north and south hallways.
These stairwells are designated interior safety zones.
DO NOT LEAVE until directed to do so by emergency personnel.
Take cover under a table or stand in a doorway.
When the shaking from the earthquake stops, proceed quickly and cautiously to one of the 2 stairwells
at the north and south ends of the hallway.
Move quickly and carefully up the stairs and exit the building through the exterior door at the top of the
stairs or the exterior door in the lower level.
Move quickly to the exterior safety zone – the grassy area east of the Boone County Veterans Memorial.
DO NOT RE-ENTER the building until it has been determined to be structurally sound