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City of Florence Parks Master Plan Survey


The City of Florence has published a quick online survey to gather public input that will guide future improvements to the city’s parks. The survey website is active and ready for residents to explore at their convenience at

This community input survey is the first engagement activity of many for the City of Florence Parks Master Plan, an effort to develop a master plan for six City of Florence parks that will serve as a guide for future improvements that residents will enjoy for years to come. The project team is taking a close look at:

The master planning effort includes an analysis of existing conditions at each park and the development of concept plans, renderings, and cost estimates for improvements. The results of this survey will help guide the project team as they make decisions during this early planning phase. The city recognizes the importance of gathering public opinion in creating a space that truly serves a community and its residents.

Residents are encouraged to complete the survey by January 31, 2024. The city’s planning consultant, KZF Design, will thoroughly review the submitted feedback and incorporate the results into their master plan report.


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