Community Support Services

Community Support Services

The Public Services Department, Community Support Services Division is responsible for the administration and enforcement of city ordinances, Property Maintenance Code, and Boone County Zoning Regulations throughout the city. Additional responsibilities include management of the solid waste and recycling contract, city cemeteries, customer complaints/requests, post site plan review and enforcement, non-pervious surface storm water calculations, presenting cases to the Code Enforcement Board, risk management tours, sign installation on new city streets, traffic code updates, illegal sign removal from public right-of-ways, zoning review of occupational license applications, occupational license enforcement, solid waste/recycling collection events, and city maps and street index updates.

The division handles over 4,000 complaints/requests per year. Over 3,000 illegal signs are removed from the public right-of-ways each year, and approximately 10 post site plan reviews are conducted.

The division tracks all customer complaints/requests using code enforcement software.  GIS mapping software is also utilized to accomplish a variety of tasks.